Market Reviews

Market Review 

Local Market Review – June 2024

The South African rand strengthened 1.7% against the Dollar in June and is 3.1% weaker this year. The emerging markets index decreased by 2.2% in June but is 4.5% stronger in 2024. The Telecoms sector surged 15%, bringing its year-to-date return to over 30%.

Equity Indices Jun-24 YTD
Telecommunication 14.98% 30.21%
Small Cap 8.12% 20.83%
Consumer Services 7.35% 12.45%
Industrials 5.47% 14.29%
Mid Cap 3.12% 10.14%
Health Care 2.08% 11.57%
Financials 1.45% 4.22%
All Share 0.75% 12.48%
SA Listed Property (J253) 0.62% 6.54%
Top40 - (Tradable) 0.48% 13.02%
Technology -0.15% 16.44%
Basic Materials -1.03% 17.29%
Consumer Goods -1.42% 1.15%

All Performance data sourced from Bloomberg on 30 June 2024

Happy investing!

Thulisa Shandu

Junior Fund Manager


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