EasyAssetManagement Core International Portfolio

EasyAssetManagement Core International Portfolio

Investors that are comfortable suffering a loss of up to - 4% in pursuit of positive returns of up to +10% over a 6-month period.


3 Years

Available In


Investment Objective

Long Term Capital Growth

About this Fund

EasyAssetManagement is a data-driven. algorithmic asset manager. Our goal is to be South Africa’s best asset manager at a reasonable cost.

What this means is that we utilise our proprietary technology to analyse data in the market. Data can be both technical. such as changes in price and volatility. or fundamental. such as changes in a company’s free cash flow generation. book value. or reported earnings.

This analysis is used to create our building-block portfolios. We use these building blocks to construct multi-asset portfolios that are targeted to maximise returns for a specific risk profile

On the “active” side of EasyAssetManagement’s portfolio construction. we analyse the risk factors that affect a company’s operating structure and stock performance. However. instead of relying on identifying such risks via company visits and discussions with management. we look only at the data and use our algorithms to dissect the information to find the risk factors.

Therefore EasyAssetManagement takes the best of both passive and active strategies in order to produce consistent. replicable and universal rules-based “building-block” portfolios that perform optimally over a range of economic cycles.

Who is this Suitable for?

  • Investors looking for a reliable capital growth profile over the long term, with a focus on higher income return.
  • Investors who are ideally investing for at least 3 years
  • Investors comfortable taking on a degree of risk through market fluctuations which could result in some capital loss.

Investment Strategy

Bonds 0%

Cash 1.98%

Foreign Equity 98.02%

Property 0%

Local Equity 0%

Fund Charges (excl. VAT)


0.75 P/A (excl VAT)



underlying total expense ratio (ter) Learn about what the total expense ratio is.


total investment cost


Transaction costs are estimated over a 3 year annualised period