EasyAssetManagement Enhanced Shariah Portfolio

EasyAssetManagement Enhanced Shariah Portfolio

Investors that are comfortable suffering a loss of up to -15% in pursuit of positive returns of up to +25% over a 6-month period.


5 Years

Available In


Investment Objective

Long-term Capital Growth

About this Fund

Our Enhanced Range uses four main building blocks. across individual shares to construct our portfolios: Value. Quality. Stability. and Momentum.

Our asset management process is driven by algorithmic analysis of the market data which blends together a portfolio of shares that exhibit value. quality. stability and momentum characteristics.

See more about EasyAssetManagement’s investment philosophy and methodology here

Who is this Suitable for?

  • You are looking for high capital growth over the long term. in a diversified portfolio.
  • You are comfortable taking on significant risk through market fluctuations which could result in capital loss.
  • You are ideally investing for at least 5 years.

Investment Strategy

Bonds 0%

Cash 3.03%

Foreign Equity 0%

Property 0%

Local Equity 96.97%

Fund Charges (excl. VAT)


1 P/A (excl VAT)



underlying total expense ratio (ter) Learn about what the total expense ratio is.


total investment cost


Transaction costs are estimated over a 3 year annualised period