EasyAssetManagement Enhanced Shariah Portfolio

EasyAssetManagement Enhanced Shariah Portfolio

Investors that are comfortable suffering a loss of up to -15% in pursuit of positive returns of up to +25% over a 6-month period.


> 5 Years

Available In


Portfolio Type


Investment Objective

Long Term Capital Growth

About this Fund

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing (also known as "socially responsible investing," "impact investing," and "sustainable investing") refers to investing that prioritizes the best environmental, social, and governance (ESG) elements or results. ESG investing is often seen as a means of investing "sustainably," that is, with the environment and human well-being, and the economy, in mind. It is based on the rising belief that environmental and social variables are becoming increasingly important with regards to an organization's financial success.

Who is this Suitable for?

  • You are looking for high capital growth over the long term, in a diversified portfolio.
  • You are comfortable taking on significant risk through market fluctuations which could result in capital loss.
  • You are ideally investing for at least 5 years.

Investment Strategy

Bonds 0%

Cash 0.13%

Foreign Equity 0%

Property 0%

Equity 99.87%

Fund Charges (excl. VAT)


1.00% P/A (excl VAT)



underlying total expense ratio (ter) Learn about what the total expense ratio is.


total investment cost


Transaction costs are estimated over a 3 year annualised period